JOINT WARRIOR 142, Defence Photography

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Defence Photography has recently photographed Exercise Joint Warrior 142 (JW142) at the UK MoD's Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) weapons range off Cape Wrath in Scotland. The DIO plays a vital role in the training estate requirements for JW142. At Cape Wrath land, sea and air Joint Fires capabilities were exercised with troops from New Zealand, USA and UK supporting aircraft and ships from UK, USA, France, Germany, Sweden and Spain.  

This was the first Exercise for the Royal Artillery's G-AMB (Giraffe - Agile Multi Beam) radar made by Saab as part of the wider Land Environment Air Picture Provision (LEAPP) system made by Prime Contractor Lockheed Martin UK (LMUK). LEAPP's role is to provide the Army with an organic Recognised Air Picture, enabling a range of functions such as Air Defence, Joint Fires Coordination and Battlespace Management all of which were part of JW142. The shelter bodies for the radar and control nodes were made by Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group (MADG). LEAPP formally enters service in 2015.